Top Tips To Keep Rodents Off Your Ellensburg Property

Serving Families Throughout Ellensburg
a norway rat outside of an ellensburgh home

As the new year comes into full swing, it’s a good time to make sure that your home is safe. Some problems are obvious, others may not be as noticeable. Rodents are a common problem this time of year since cold weather drives them indoors. Is your home protected from rodents in Ellensburg? Do you know how to make your home less attractive to them? Below you’ll find some helpful tricks and tips for keeping rodents outside, and therefore, keeping your home safer.

Ellensburg Rodents

You may want to know what kinds of rodents might be trying to come inside this winter. In Ellensburg, you could have brown rats (also called Norway rats), black rats (also called roof rats). house mice, or wildlife such as squirrels and chipmunks.

How to Prevent Rodent Invasions

Now that you know which pests might try to get into your home, here’s what you can do about them. There are three things that lure rodents to come inside: food, water, and shelter. The best way to deal with rodents is to prevent them from ever getting inside in the first place. And if they do get inside, it is important that they do not find what they are looking for. Here are some tips:

  • Clean food messes promptly. Rodents need food, so they’ll be more attracted to your home if they find crumbs on the floor or food left out on the counter. Clean often and store all food in hard plastic or glass containers with sealable lids.
  • Keep humidity levels low. Make sure you don’t have standing water anywhere; which rodents might drink. Use a dehumidifier or fans in areas like the basement or attic to dry things out and make them less appealing to rodents.
  • Clean and organize storage areas. Rodents don’t like to be around humans, so they’ll find quiet, undisturbed areas. This is often a storage room, basement, garage, or closets. If these areas are well organized and cleaned, they will be less attractive to rodents and easier for you to spot a rodent nest.
  • Seal entry points. Many rodents can get inside through a hole the size of a nickel. Check the exterior of your home for any holes and use caulking to seal them. You may also want to cover vents and chimneys since rodents like squirrels and roof rats are excellent climbers and may come in from roof areas.

When Rodents Get Inside

These prevention tips are a great place to start, but if rodents get in anyway, Prosite is here to help. It’s important to know why calling professional pest control is worth it. After all, can’t you just use mouse traps to get rid of rodents?

Rodents are actually quite dangerous. They are known to carry many diseases and dangerous bacteria. And these diseases can be spread through direct contact with a rodent or through contact with their feces or urine. This means that even cleaning up after a rodent infestation needs to be done carefully and with the proper protective gear.

Some rodents can be aggressive. Rats may bite if they feel threatened, and squirrels can become aggressive when cornered. The technicians at Prosite are experienced in dealing with all rodent species. We know how to identify the rodents, find their entry points, and get them out of your house safely and quickly. If rodents get inside, give us a call and let the professionals make sure your home is safe this new year.