White-Footed Mice
What do white-footed mice look like?
The white-footed mouse is one of the common rodent species in Central Washington. They have fur on its back and side that is a reddish-brown color. They have a darker colored stripe that runs down their back from head to tail. Their underside and legs are white in color. White-footed mice have large prominent ears that covered in tufts of fur. These mice are excellent climbers.
Why do I have a problem with white-footed mice?
White-footed mice live outside in brushy areas, fields, or wooded areas. Residential properties located next to their preferred habitats will experience problems with white-footed mice. They enter into yards to forage for food. Once on your property, they may find their way inside your home to forage for food or to find a safe nesting spot during periods of harsh weather.
Where do white-footed mice nest?
The white-footed mouse creates their nest in tall grass, under fallen trees, decaying logs, in tree stumps, and in the abandoned nests of other small animals. Like with most prey animals they like to place their nests in hidden, out-of-the-way places. Inside they place their nests in quiet, less-traveled areas like chimneys, attics, or basements.
Are white-footed mice dangerous?
White-footed mice are dangerous for several reasons. In the case of very large populations, they cause significant damage to farm crops.
White-footed mice pose health risks to people. They are carriers of the bacterium that causes Lyme disease which is then transmitted to people and animals by the deer tick. They also spread a variety of other bacteria and diseases including Hantavirus.
White-footed mice that find their way inside to nest can create structural damage inside a Washington home by chewing through wires, insulation, drywall, flooring, and beams.
How do I get rid of white-footed mice?
The easiest way to eliminate white-footed mice is to partner with an experienced professional. At Prosite, we offer relief from white-footed mouse problems. Our solution starts with the accurate identification of the infestation. Then we’ll develop a plan of action that gets rid of these destructive and potentially dangerous white-footed mice. Visit our rodent control page for more information about our white-footed mouse control services in Ellensburg and Central WA.
How do I prevent problems with white-footed mice?
The best way to prevent problems with white-footed mice in your home is to make your property as unattractive as possible to them. Here are a few preventative steps that we recommend:
- Remove fallen trees, tree stumps, excess woodpiles, and other debris from your property they could hide and nest in; it is also a good idea to fill in ground holes.
- Reduce their access to food sources by keeping tight-fitting lids on trashcans and compost bins, picking up uneaten pet food between feedings, and removing bird feeders.
- Place garden areas a distance away from the outside of your home.
- Eliminate the rodents' access to your home by sealing cracks in the foundation, fixing holes along the roofline, putting a tight cap on the chimney, placing weather stripping around windows and doors, and cutting back tree limbs from your home.
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Thank you Justin for monitoring our property and communicating the pest status with each visit.- Patrick T.
Thomas was our technician and he was phenomenal and thorough.- Sara H.
Prosite has the best customer service. Every time I call they are so easy to work with to meet our needs.- Cheryl A.
When you've got serious problems, ProSite has the right people and products to handle them quickly!- Brett H.
The team at Prosite Pest Control was knowledgeable about the solutions required to manage our problems. They were also very friendly with our dog.- Star L.
The tech came for the quarterly service and inspection, greeted me pleasantly, and asked about any concerns. They did a great job around the house, were detail-specific, efficient, professional, and friendly. Communicated well about findings.- David P.