Is Spray Foam Insulation A Good Idea For My Kittitas County Home?

Serving Families Throughout Ellensburg
Technician applying spray foam in a home.

The temperature changes a lot here in Kittitas. If you like to spend time outdoors, you most likely plan your activities around the weather. Warm days are water days. Cold days are hiking days. When you are staying at home, however, you don’t need to plan around temperature changes. You can expect things to remain at a comfortable temperature year-round. The question is, is your home properly insulated, or are you losing a ton of money in electrical bills?

Here are some things you should consider about spray foam insulation, including how this service can save you money here in Kittitas. Call our team at Prosite if you would like to know more about our insulation installation services. We will answer any questions you have and schedule a visit to your home.

What Is Spray Foam Insulation?

Before we talk about insulation installation near you, we want you to know exactly what spray foam insulation is. To start, let’s talk about other traditional insulations. Most homes have lay-in insulation. This product is usually cut to size and placed inside wall voids. It often has gaps and can deteriorate or become damaged over time.

Spray foam insulation is a chemical product created by isocyanate and polyol resin. When these things are mixed and sprayed, they expand up to 30 to 60 times. This expansion allows insulation to get into every gap and crack it needs to be in to effectively seal your home. This is why spray foam insulation is becoming more and more popular.

Is Spray Foam Insulation Safe?

There is a bit of fear surrounding spray foam insulation. The truth is, it is no more dangerous than other common products.

As long as you install it properly and you do not scrape at it, lick it, try to burn it or tamper with it in other ways, you will have no problems. Considering that these things are common sense, most people have absolutely no issues investing in insulation replacement and changing over to spray foam. If you have any concerns, we would be more than happy to share more information about this with you over the phone.

What Are The Benefits Of Spray Foam Insulation?

Whether you are investing in attic insulation installation or are looking for a full insulation job for a new home, spray foam is the way to go. It provides many distinct benefits. Here are just a few.

  • An expert team can install it quickly.
  • It stands the test of time and will most likely outlive the rest of your home.
  • It seals all gaps and cracks, which drastically increases the r-value of your home.
  • It saves a lot of money in the long run.

For more information about our insulation installers, talk with our team and find a service that works best for you.

Who Should I Call About Spray Foam Insulation Installation?

Spray foam insulation is not going to install itself. If you want all of the benefits that this service will provide for you and your home, bring in our team at Prosite. We offer tons of services to make your life indoors more comfortable. Let us pay you a visit to assess the current condition of your insulation and work out a plan to get you the best energy savings possible.

Reach out to our dedicated team at Prosite now if you want to schedule your home for insulation installation or if you have questions about our services. We will answer any questions you have and help you find what you need to maintain a perfectly temperature-controlled environment indoors.