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Raccoons Are Dangerous Critters To Have Hanging Around Your Kittitas Yard

Serving Families Throughout Ellensburg
A racoon in a kittitas washington state yard during late fall

Raccoons, when given a choice, will always choose the path of least resistance. Although fully capable of sustaining themselves in the wild, these furry bandits find it easier to rifle through our trash than to search for berries out in nature. In every way possible, convenience is key. After all, why seek shelter in a hole out in the woods when humans' homes and outbuildings have all the warmth a "trash panda" could ever need?

How Raccoons Get Inside

Unlike most pests, raccoons have hands, not paws. Just like us, raccoons have 5 dexterous fingers. These fingers allow them to do things that other pests cannot, such as open windows. That’s right! If your windows aren’t locked, a family of raccoons could let themselves inside. They can also use their whole bodies to break roof soffits and deck lining to squeeze their way into or under your home. These are just a couple of ways raccoons have gotten into homes. The possibilities are endless for these clever creatures.

Problems Raccoons Cause

As you know, raccoons love trash, hence their nickname “trash pandas.” This love for trash often leads to messes outside homes. It’s hard for the garbage man to do his job when your trash bags are ripped up, your bins are knocked over, and garbage is scattered in the street.
Raccoons can be dangerous if they feel threatened. If you accidentally come between a raccoon and her babies, you could be in for a surprise. Armed with sharp teeth and claws, raccoons are formidable fighters that can do a lot of harm when motivated. 
Raccoons can be destructive as well. If they get inside, they are able to damage storage boxes, create messes, and tear things apart, perhaps things that are special and irreplaceable.
Do you own chickens? With a raccoon around they could be in danger. It is not uncommon for raccoons to get into pens and kill chickens for food. There have even been cases of headless chickens as a result of raccoons attempting to pull them headfirst through wire mesh coups.
If all of the above wasn’t bad enough, raccoons can be vectors for dangerous diseases and harmful parasites. These diseases and parasites can be spread to you, your family, and even your pets. Just another reason to not have raccoons hanging around outside or, worse, inside your home.

How To Make Your Property Less Attractive To Raccoons

The best way you can deter raccoons from your property is to limit their access to food. This can be done in several ways.

  • Invest in heavy-duty trashcans with tight-fitting lids.
  • Double wrap meat waste before throwing it away.
  • Keep your yard well maintained and clutter-free as much as possible.
  • Reenforce outbuildings and decks to limit raccoons' ability to gain shelter.
  • Scare raccoons away from your garden using motion-detecting sprinklers or strobe lighting.
  • Install a small electric fence around gardens.
  • Pick up fruit that has fallen from trees.
  • Don’t leave pet food and water bowls out overnight.

Who To Call If Raccoons Invade

If raccoons have found shelter in your home or on your property, do not try to handle them yourselves. The last thing we want is for you to get injured by an aggressive raccoon. To avoid this risk, let the professionals here at Prosite help. We have the training and equipment to safely remove raccoons from your Kittitas property.
For any questions, or to schedule services for your property, give us a call today!