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Spring Time Pest Prevention Tips For Yakima Homeowners

Serving Families Throughout Ellensburg
a spring cleaning pest prevention basket

Most people do not like living alone. This is why we get married, have kids, live with friends or roommates so that we can have company around us. The only company we don’t want are the ones that cause trouble. You wouldn’t let someone live in your home if they were an arsonist.  If your roommate played his trombone at 3 am each morning you would probably kick him out real quick. Pests are a lot like bad housemates. The only difference is, they come inside without your permission. If you are looking for a way to get and keep your Yakima home pest-free this year, we have some springtime prevention tips you should try.

Warmer Weather Means Returning Pests

The good news is we live in the north where temperatures drop low enough in the winter to provide us a reprieve from pests. The bad news is that springtime is here and with it comes warmth. Pests love warmth. What does this mean for your home? This all depends on a few things.

  • Does your home have pests overwintering inside its walls? If so, you could find many baby pests inside your home as they start to hatch. This is common with mosquitoes, stink bugs, flies, and gnats.
  • Does your home have holes in its exterior? If so, many reemerging pests might get inside, sometimes by accident and  sometimes to look for things they need to survive.
  • Do you have food left out in the open? If so, many pests have even more of a reason to want to be in your home as they will be able to feed on the messes you leave behind.

How Spring Cleaning Can Prevent Pests

So many pests benefit from a less than tidy home. If done right, you can use your spring cleaning to begin deterring pests from getting into your home. Here are some ways you can care for your home and help prevent infestations.

  • Deep clean floors. Make sure there is no residue or caked-on materials anywhere to be found.
  • Move large appliances such as ovens, and stoves and clean beneath them.
  • Vacuum and clean thoroughly beneath furniture.
  • Clean cracks and crevices around your home both inside and out.
  • Tidy up storage areas and closets and clean floors beneath boxes.
  • Thoroughly clean countertops and tables throughout your home.

The most important thing is that you keep your home clean. Try to deep clean at least once a month and focus on cleaning messes and spills as they happen around your home. One thing many people do to help keep their home clean is limit the number of rooms where food is served.

Other Ways To Prevent Pests

In addition to keeping your home clean, here are a few other things you can do to prevent pests from getting inside.

  • Install door sweeps under exterior doors.
  • Make sure your window and door screens are rip and tear-free.
  • Seal up gaps and cracks in your home’s exterior using a caulking gun.
  • Store leftover foods inside airtight containers.
  • Pick up and store away pet food and water bowls before going to bed at night.
  • Address moisture problems in and around your home.

Your Best Option For A Pest-Free Home

When it comes to keeping homes pest-free, no one does a better job than Prosite. If you are looking for an easy hassle-free way to get your home protected against pests, we have your answer. Our highly trained staff is ready with the equipment and treatments needed to get your home the defenses it deserves.
Don’t hesitate to give us a call today to discuss our many service options. We will find the right one for you. Our dedicated team awaits your call.