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What You Need To Know About Spiders In Central Washington

Serving Families Throughout Ellensburg
a house spider spinning its web inside of a central washington home
For millennia, people have been back and forth with their feelings for spiders. Ancient Greek mythology and African folklore had many representations of spiders as gods. Some consider spiders as symbols of patience and persistence. Most just think spiders are creepy. In fact, arachnophobia, the fear of spiders, is one of the most common phobias that many people share. This fear does make sense, though, seeing that some spider bites could land you in the hospital in a fair amount of pain. Regardless of how you feel about spiders, there are some things you need to know. Let’s dive in!

Are Common House Spiders Dangerous?

Surprisingly enough, most spiders you encounter day to day are harmless to humans. Most often, neither their venom nor their fangs are strong enough to cause any significant problems.

Fun fact: Have you ever heard the rumor that the daddy longlegs is actually one of the most venomous spiders but is not a threat because their fangs are too small to pierce human skin? This myth was believed for decades and was only proven false when the actual Mythbusters stepped in and showed that they could bite, but their venom causes nothing more than a “mild burning sensation.”

There is, however, one spider here in Central Washington that you should be worried about—the black widow. How can you tell this poisonous spider apart from your average house spider? This small black spider has a red hourglass marking its abdomen, and its bite does pack a punch. Victims of a black widow spider bite often experience symptoms including chills, nausea, fever, vomiting, sweating, headache, muscle cramps, spasms near bite site, restlessness, shock, and severe to high blood pressure. If you do receive a bite from this dangerous spider, seek medical attention immediately. The good news is that black widows are not as common as other spiders. They're still a threat, but nothing you to lose sleep over.

Are Spiders Destructive

If you consider spiderwebs throughout your home destructive, then yes, spiders are as destructive as they come. Of course, we are joking, and luckily spiders cannot cause any major damage inside homes. They do not eat wood like termites or chew through walls like rodents. All they do in build webs that we occasionally walkthrough—face first.

Why Are Spiders Coming Into My House?

Spiders come into homes for one of two reasons. They either wander in unintentionally, or they follow in a food source. For spiders, any other insect is a great food source. If your home has ants, centipedes, flies, or any type of crawling or buzzing bug, you can be sure spiders are going to want to be close by. If you are noticing an influx of spiders and webs in your home, there is a good chance there are many more pests lurking there too. Some common places you can check for spiders include storage areas, corners of rooms, and anywhere else that is dark and secluded. We recommend being careful when checking just in case a black widow is lurking about. The last thing you need is an unexpected trip to the hospital.

The Best Way To Deal With Spiders

Whether you are looking for a way to exterminate the spiders in your home or protect it so no future spiders can invade, we have a solution for you. Here at Prosite, protecting homes against spiders is one of our specialties. Using only top of the line pest control products, and proven methods, we can have your home spider-free in no time. If you are ready to find out what premiere pest control services look like for your Central Washington home, we are prepared to show you.

Give us a call today for any questions or to schedule a service visit.