Are Bats In Kittitas County Dangerous?

Serving Families Throughout Ellensburg
a small brown bat inside a home

On Halloween night, you may not mind coming across a bat or two. But, under most circumstances, bats are unwanted and feared pests. Most people have a serious fear of bats and duck for cover when they see one flying around. Find out if your fears are founded and learn whether or not bats in Kittitas County are dangerous.

Which Bats Live In Kittitas County?

There are about 15 species of bats in Washington, but you probably won’t ever come across most of those species. In Kittitas County, you’re likely to come across one of three bats. First, there’s the little brown bat. As the name implies, this bat is relatively tiny and brown. Secondly, there’s the hoary bat, the largest bat in the state and has a yellowish-brown, dark brown, and white coloration.

Finally, the silver-haired bat is also local. This bat has dark fur but silver tips that give it a grayish appearance. All of these bats in Kittitas County eat insects, which makes them beneficial. As with all pests, bats are an essential part of the ecosystem.

With that said, you may not want bats on your property. There is a certain level of danger associated with bats, and it has nothing to do with myths and legends.

The True Dangers Of Bats

Generally speaking, there are two diseases you should worry about bats spreading to you or your family member. Perhaps the most well-known disease is the rabies virus. When a bat bites a human, it could infect them with rabies.  Rabies is transmitted through saliva and could also be spread through contact with your eyes, nose, and mouth.

So, the bite of a bat itself isn’t the concern. On the rare occasion that a bat bites a human, the results are minimal. The wound doesn’t hurt much and has no long-lasting complications besides the risk of rabies. As soon as you experience a bat bite, you should wash the site with water and call a doctor. They might suggest you receive rabies vaccinations or treatment to prevent complications from rabies.

Bats also have the potential to spread histoplasmosis. Caused by a fungus, this disease spreads when people breathe in bat droppings. If you have many bats around your property, their droppings pose a significant threat to you. The symptoms of histoplasmosis include trouble breathing and coughing.

What To Do About Bats On Your Property

Whether bats are in your attic or your shed, you could be in danger. It’s essential to take measures to keep these Kittitas County pests far away from you and your family. To accomplish this, work on the following:

  • Make Your Property Less Appealing To Other Pests: Because bats eat insects, they’re attracted to properties with pest problems. If you have high moisture in your yard, piles of debris, and open trash cans, you could have insects. Take measures to keep mosquitoes and other common pests away from your property.
  • Reduce Roosting Areas: Bats may get inside if you have holes in your siding and significant gaps in your home. Seal up openings to ensure bats have fewer roosting areas in or near your home. You may need professional help for this to be successful.

The Key To Bat Control

There’s only one effective and safe way to deter and remove bats from your property. By working with an experienced pest control company, you can make sure bats stay away from your home or business. Here at Prosite, we offer lasting solutions to keep you and everyone on your property safe from bats. To find out more about working with us, call us now.