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Why You Should Call The Professionals About Mice In Your Yakima County House

Serving Families Throughout Ellensburg
house mice in a tree

There are so many different types of house mice in the Yakima County area. If you are not careful, what can seem like a small problem can quickly escalate into a full-blown infestation. Mice can be a danger to your Yakima County home and your health. 

If you have mice within your walls, reach out to our team today. We can help eliminate mice from your home in Yakima County, so you no longer have to worry about it! Give us a call or reach out for a consultation today.

The Life Cycle Of The Common House Mouse

Do you know how to recognize a mouse? Do you know how long they live or how many babies a female mouse can pull out into your home in a lifetime? Check out these not-so-fun facts on the common house mouse:

  • Come in shades of gray, brown, or black. 
  • Typically no longer than seven inches from nose to tail tip.
  • House mice can live anywhere between 2 and 7 years.
  • House mice are primarily nocturnal animals.
  • One female mouse can have over 300 offspring in its lifetime.
  • A mouse’s front teeth never stop growing, which fuels their need to chew.

When you know more about these pests, you can best assess how to keep them out of your home for good. Homeowners can prevent mice if they understand why they do and how many they might have.

You Don’t Have To Touch Mice For Them To Make You Sick

House mice do not need to be seen to make their presence known. In this case, we mean you don’t have to come into direct contact with a mouse to fall ill from its contaminants. It would be best if you were wary about the different diseases that mice can infect you with, such as:

  • Hantavirus
  • Salmonellosis
  • Plague
  • Lymphocytic Chorio-meningitis (LCM)
  • Hemorrhagic fever

All of these diseases can be highly life-threatening if not treated right away. You don’t have to touch or be bitten by a mouse to contract these ailments. Mice can leave dropping or contaminate your food or bathroom area. You could inadvertently ingest mouse feces or contaminated food and fall sick that way.

Why Do-It-Yourself Mouse Control Is A Waste Of Time And Money

If you have an infestation on your hands, you might think you can handle it yourself. While this might be a good sentiment, it can end up costing you a lot of time and a lot of money. If you don’t eliminate all the mice within your walls, they could adapt and return in more significant numbers. Despite what most would think, rodents are clever, and they will become accustomed to any new patterns you throw their way. 

Due to this, they will slow down their activity when you expect them and thus avoid any trap you might have set. Not to mention if you use a snap trap, they can only catch one at a time, and there is hardly ever just one mouse invading your home. On top of that, a snap trap is very messy, and a mouse, alive or dead, is a significant hazard to your health. 

Contact The Professionals At The First Sign Of Mice In Your Home

When you find any signs of mice within your home, don’t wait around for them to grow. One mouse is too many for comfort, so contact our team at Prosite to gain your peace of mind back today. At Prosite, we know just how to help ensure that wild mice are eradicated effectively throughout your home. 

No one should have to live with the headache that mice can bring into your home, but you no longer have to fret with our team at Prosite. Our goal is to consistently deliver above-and-beyond service that you can take solace in long after our techs leave your home. Give us a call today and find out why we are the best Yakima County pest control company around!