How Is Spray Foam Insulation Properly Installed In Yakima County?

Serving Families Throughout Ellensburg
Insulation application

Spray foam insulation is a very efficient and convenient method of insulating your home when installed correctly. It's important, however, that you follow best practices and safety guidelines when using this material. Insulation can be harmful to you or your family if installed improperly or if you don't use certain precautions. So how can you know that installing spray foam insulation in your Yakima County home is safe and easy? The best way to ensure this is with the services of Prosite. Our team has been providing outstanding insulation services in Yakima County for years. Let's take a look at what you should know about the process of installing spray foam insulation.

Preparing The Job Site

Before the insulation installation process begins, you'll want to make sure that the area to insulate is ready. Ensure that there is wall access to the areas, and the walls in question should be clear. Old insulation removal may also be necessary before installing the new insulation. Installation of electrical wiring, water lines, and all other internal components in the area should be complete and properly working before installing insulation. Remove valuable items from the area or cover them with plastic. Also, cover furniture with plastic. Work with your residential insulation contractor to ensure there is proper ventilation in the area. While installing insulation, only workers wearing appropriate protective gear should be in the area, and ensure that high heat and open flames are not a factor near the new insulation. You will also need to stay out of the area for at least 24 hours.

Spray Foam On-Ratio

Spray foam consists of two main chemical components. One is a polyol resin, and the other is an isocyanate. These chemicals are sometimes called the "A-side" and the "B-side." In order for your spray foam to work properly, the ratio of these two chemicals must be equal; this is referred to as "on-ratio" spray foam. Off-ratio spray foam, which is either too resin-heavy or too iso-heavy, is less reliable than on-ratio spray foam. Using off-ratio spray foam also increases the likelihood of improper or unsafe application. It is one reason why it's very important you hire a reputable, professional spray foam insulation service.

Spray Foam At The Proper Temperature

Another important factor in proper spray foam insulation is temperature. Most spray foams are for use on surfaces between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If you apply spray foam at temperatures outside of this range, it will seriously impact its performance. A good insulation contractor will always make sure to store spray foam at this temperature range before applying it.

Selecting The Right Installer

The benefits of properly installed spray foam insulation are numerous. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Improved air quality in your home
  • Lower energy bills
  • Better heat retention\
  • A healthier and more comfortable atmosphere
  • Effectiveness for decades if properly installed

Not every spray foam insulation contractor is reputable or honest, however. Some may attempt to take advantage of the homeowner's lack of knowledge about the subject. With Prosite, however, you can be assured that we always put the customer first. We have the expertise to answer your questions and pride ourselves on delivering excellent customer service every time. If you're considering spray foam insulation for your Yakima County home, Prosite is the best choice. Contact us today!